Sweetie Candy Vigilante #2 EXCLUSIVE—METAL COVER—F (Incentive Jeff Zornow Virgin Cover)

Sweetie Candy Vigilante #2 EXCLUSIVE—METAL COVER—F (Incentive Jeff Zornow Virgin Cover)
Sweetie Candy Vigilante #2 METAL Cover F Incentive Jeff Zornow Virgin Cover
Written by Suzanne Cafiero
Art by Jeff Zornow
Produced by John Cafiero
Published by Dynamite Comics
Release Date 11/2/2022
This METAL AS F*CK Online Exclusive Edition of Sweetie Candy Vigilante #2 features an actual aluminum metal cover! The visually stunning, brilliant metal cover provides another dimension to the artwork with vibrant colors and incredible details. Utilizing a long-lasting dye-infused printing process on .020 thick aluminum, it’s the ultimate limited edition enhancement.
Limited to only 30 pcs worldwide, this super-sweet rare variant is an online exclusive unavailable anywhere else!
In the wake of Sweetie's candy-coated carnage at the Ice Cream Bunny, a mysterious figure appears with a reckoning for its ring-pop branded survivors. Enter Candy Wolf, Sweetie's lycanthropic wolf-at-arms. He's a shapeshifter with a taste for licorice twists and the blood of bad eggs who warrant his violent wrath...all served in the name of sweet, sweet justice.
Will their rebirth marks reveal the person beneath as naughty - or nice? Is revenge sweeter than honey? Could a sweet new life await Pixie Stix, resident dancer of the once-dive bar? Now that the Ice Cream Bunny is under the newly appointed management of an enchanted Christmas tree named Tinsel, will all be merry and bright? Exactly who and what is Sweetie, and what is her mission? Treat yourself to a heaping spoonful of sugar and watch it all go down in the most de-frightful way in SWEETIE CANDY VIGILANTE #2: "Run this Town."
All comics are First Print editions, and ship bagged and boarded.